To my friends, I have always tried to be honest about personal issues, or at least honest in that I am having them because I don't like to keep people hanging, wondering what's up or why I might be acting differently. I need to sort priorities and F As In Fun is not one of them. Not at this point in time. But I wanted to let you know.
I will hopefully return and things will be back to normal but to be honest I just do not know when that will be. It may take six weeks or six months or even longer, I don't know. But I am hopeful. I ask for your support and good vibes because I am going to need it.
As always, thank you for being here and I hope to see you soon.
Mr. Fun
i just want to say thank you for posting that yu suzuki interview. i made an update at shenmue dojo with it! i happen to be that guy from ebay that won the signed shenmue copy from you. i have since sold it to a friend who is a die-hard collector of all things shenmue. Anyhow when you come back please drop by the dojo forums. see ya!