Hail yeah, nigga!
Ex Disgraced Gov Elliot Spitzer should play Vulture by Stalkeye | Dec 8th, 2009 12:30:24 PM |
he looks like a spitting image; older and creepy looking. |
the only person to play the vulture is...... by RighteousBrother | Dec 8th, 2009 12:30:53 PM |
The problem with Larry David... by loodabagel | Dec 8th, 2009 12:32:59 PM |
It's a PG13 movie, so he'd be at a loss for words. "Whattaya mean I can't call him Spider-cunt? It's hilarious!" |
110 minutes of p. parker's life issues, 10 of spiderman. by HaterofCrap | Dec 8th, 2009 12:33:17 PM |
that is the formula for these shit movies. peter parker is the biggest bore in comics/movies. |
AWESOME! Not. by Quake II | Dec 8th, 2009 12:36:47 PM |
Vultress? No fucking way. This is shaping up to be twice the abomination that Spider-Man 3 was. They'll probably throw in the Lizard, Vulture, Mysterio and the Rhino just to overcrowd the movie like the last one did. Did these assholes learn nothing from Batman & Robin? ONE villian, ONE hero. Concentrate on those TWO characters and go make the movie. |
I cant wait for "Grape Vultress Slurpees" by soup74 | Dec 8th, 2009 01:00:50 PM |
maybe burger king will give us a double decker chicken sandwich called "the vultures" |
It's funny that anyone even gives a shit by malificus | Dec 8th, 2009 06:57:51 PM |
after that abortion that was Spidey 3 I have to laugh that bullshit rumor like this can even generate a response at all. I give Sam total credit, I'm still a fan but I hated Spidey 3, it's almost as if he has some sort of creative axe to grind, like he's purposely making them shittier and shittier the more money they throw at him, and christ Toby McGuire loathes it as well. This story is complete horseshit, Vulturess? If anything remotely like that makes it to film it will kill Raimi's cred once and for all, what small amount he still has. Bring in Electro and Mysterio and stop fucking around, assholes!! |
With Anne Hathaway by NippleEffect | Dec 8th, 2009 01:06:03 PM |
there's a chance of some Vulturess side bewb |
If this is true, it is the FUCKING END of Spider-Man! by REVENGE_of_FETT | Dec 8th, 2009 01:06:20 PM |
FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL! Why in THE FUCK would you have Felicia Hardy....and not have her BE Felicia Hardy? Why use that name? It makes ZERO SENSE! If Raimi is absolutely intent on using the dopiest characters in Spider-Man lore, then yes, by all means, use The Vulture! Not using The Lizard because it doesn't have a human face is quite possibly the stupidest thing I've ever heard in connection with these films, and that includes emo hair and disco dancing! |
Remember when they cast Dafoe as the Goblin by Quake II | Dec 8th, 2009 01:13:11 PM |
And everyone went, BRILLIANT idea! He LOOKS like the Green Goblin! Add some pointy ears and makeup and it's perfect! Then they covered what is essentially the perfect Green Goblin face with A FUCKING PLASTIC HELMET! Yeah, This series has fucked things up from day one. |
I can't believe they are serioous about 4th by Glory_Fades_ImMaxFischer | Dec 8th, 2009 01:21:55 PM |
Spiderman 4 = Superman 4 |
WOO HOOO, FUCK IT UP EVEN MORE !!! by VADER77 | Dec 8th, 2009 01:32:22 PM |
if it wasn't bad enough that Spiderman 2 and 3 sucked, course i didn't think they could fuck Spiderman up any more than they did in 3, here they are proving me WRONG. look, i love Spiderman, and I don't mean the movies, I mean Spidey the character, the comics. The first movie was bad enough as it was, but at least I could watch it, 2 stunk, and 3 was just a horribly effin' nightmare of a travesty that is Marvel/Raimi. Quit taking artistic license with these iconic characters and FOLLOW THE FUCKIN HISTORY!! It's OK to change some stuff here and there, tweak things, but you have to stay true to the cores... they are bastardizing everything about Spidey, and it seems like no one even cares. Stan Lee should be beat within an inch of his life, brought back to health, and have it done again, over and over for pimping out his characters. I can't even believe they could stoop low enough, as to completely change a character like Felicia Hardy-Black Cat, and now SUPPOSEDLY the Vultress.... UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE. and i HATE Kirsten Dunst as Mary Jane. PERIOD. |
This will under perform. by AllPowerfulWizardOfOz | Dec 8th, 2009 01:37:48 PM |
It will be a total train wreck. Nolan raised the bar for all comic book movies with TDK and after the last outing of Spiderman it's going to be hard to get people back into those seats again especially casting a weak villain like The Vulture. Terrible terrible choice if true. |
Malkovich's line readings: by REVENGE_of_FETT | Dec 8th, 2009 01:53:08 PM |
"Listen. You. Spider. Man. If you think. That I. Would just. Give. Up. Then you. Are sadly. Mistaken. Get thee back. Little. Freak. And witness. The. POWER OF MY AVENGING WINGS! |
Old-Ass Super-Villains by Aquatarkusman | Dec 8th, 2009 01:53:56 PM |
Nothing beats "The Terror" from The Tick. I think he beat up Teddy Roosevelt. |
Maybe It's Inevitible That Spider-Man Be "Batman & Robined." by Sean38 | Dec 8th, 2009 02:02:14 PM |
Then we can wait a decade, blow the whole thing up, and start over. |
AUNT MAY DIES WHEN HER GIRLFRIEND RUPTURES HER….. by TehCreepyThinMan | Dec 8th, 2009 02:08:57 PM |
Bladder with a strap-on that wasn’t greased properly for the dirty old c#*t! |
F*CK THE SUITS!! by marineboy | Dec 8th, 2009 02:18:30 PM |
This *has* to be fake. by spaceworlder | Dec 8th, 2009 02:28:58 PM |
There's no way in hell someone would be stupid enough to make Felicia Hardy the "Vulturess." That would just be inviting an geek/internet backlash of epic proportions. This source either misheard something or he's full of shit. It's just too dumb to be true. |
I call bullshit by SithMenace | Dec 8th, 2009 02:31:01 PM |
Sam Raimi has always been respectful of the old school Spider-man villains in his films (although Harry should have been in the original Goblin suit for a total Parker mindfuck), so I can't see him changing Felicia Hardy from The Black Cat to the Vulturess. I say it's misinformation or a bullshit source. |
Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat as the Vultress??? GREAT!!!! by Johnno | Dec 8th, 2009 02:50:45 PM |
Now all you assholes will have something genuine to complain and bitch about instead of expending all that misplaced energy on Avatar! |
thats some stupid shit by Dharma4 | Dec 8th, 2009 03:01:24 PM |
Vulture and Vulturess? WHAT THE FUCK? So VENOM is fucking okay? But The Lizard isn't? Did Raimi lose his balls? WHAT THE FUCK! THIS HAS ME SO FUCKING MAD. |
When The Goblin and Spidey had conversations, by theycallmemrtibbs | Dec 8th, 2009 03:08:59 PM |
It felt like I was watching an episode of the Power Rangers. Had to put that out there. Every-time the Goblin spoke, his head bobbed up and down because of that helmet he wore (Damn, I wished that was make-up.) Spidey wears a mask, you would think you could at least see his mandible move when he spoke. The whole Lizard fiasco is bullshit, Raimi need to grow a pair and tell those suits to fuck-off because Nolan raised the bar with Two-face. If that make-up job could get pass an audience without offending anybody, I'm quite sure the lizard could as well. |
The Soup Nazi would make a better villain by YackBacker | Dec 8th, 2009 03:11:58 PM |
2 hrs of Spidey battling for lobster bisque! |
Spiderman 4: The Quest For Peace by ChocolateJesusMan | Dec 8th, 2009 03:15:30 PM |
So Whose gonna be the "Nuclear Man" in this crap-fest |
I agree with you guys about the Lizard/Morbius storyline. by The Reluctant Austinite | Dec 8th, 2009 03:26:53 PM |
I geeked out when the rumor about the Morbius/Lizard and the mutant six-armed Spider-man storyline surfaced. I love that story, and it would be a total freakshow episode of the series. I'm kind of up for that. Plus it would give Spider-man a new look to exploit for toys, action figures, etc. The Vulture was kind of a boring villain to me as a kid (he's not likely to be a big selling toy with kids). I hope they can pull it off. |
In the 5th film we get... THE HOBO-GOBLIN... by The Dum Guy | Dec 8th, 2009 03:43:14 PM |
The spider that bit Peter in the first movie bites a bum behind a party store around Halloween, the bum (crazy-drunk on a can of Sterno) finds a discarded pumpkin costume behind the store. Thinking that Spiderman stole his bicycle, he dons the pumpkin outfit to fight Spidey for his Schwinn. |
The Shockerette by turketron_2 | Dec 8th, 2009 03:49:06 PM |
Defeat her by using "2 in the pink 1 in the stink" technique... spidey, you're almost there, just extend your middle finger along with the other two! |
Patrick Stewart as the Vulture... by Read and Shut Up | Dec 8th, 2009 04:03:33 PM |
...couldn't save this. Please, Mr. Raimi. You're a fantastic filmmaker, and seem like one of Hollywood's nice guys. DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN. VULTRESS? "Make it so, Vultress!" The fuck you say?! |
Yes he will SithMenace by inneeduvasuperhero | Dec 8th, 2009 04:11:35 PM |
For as much as he got right in the first 2, he still mixed up Gwen and MJ, gave us a spiderman that is very short on great sarcasm, gave the goblin a power ranger costume, made Sandman Ben's killer, and made Harry's Goblin into something from the X-games. |
I just took a big Raimi. Should I flush it? I think I will. by Mike_D | Dec 8th, 2009 04:15:50 PM |
*flushes* |
TehCreepyThinMan, UNCLE BEN KILLED HIMSELF!!! by Big Jim | Dec 8th, 2009 04:30:21 PM |
Spidey digs up Ben's corpse, alternately pummeling what's left of him into jelly crying "You killed my Uncle", and hugging him close with tear-filled promises of "I won't ever let you down again". |
PAKAAAAAAAAAAAAW! by brokentusk | Dec 8th, 2009 04:40:44 PM |
"Oh shit, it's The Vulture! We're fucked!" |
RAIMI GOTTA EAT! by Nerd Rage | Dec 8th, 2009 04:54:39 PM |
I bet he takes the money no matter how shitty the script. You think he's going to go back to making small horror movies for peanuts? He's got a death grip on this golden goose and he ain't letting go. |
I am So Sorry by knowledge1027 | Dec 8th, 2009 05:06:00 PM |
True story week before Thanksgiving I meet Sam Raimi in Manhattan near were i work, got to shake his hand and everything. Thought it was pretty cool, now with this news I must say I am sorry to everyone that I didnt kick him in the balls. P.S. I think The rumor Is bulls@#$ I hope |
Hey, I just found the teaser poster! by brokentusk | Dec 8th, 2009 05:54:10 PM |
http://imgur.com/8rz7i |
Transcript of the Meeting by marcspector | Dec 8th, 2009 05:56:08 PM |
"Hm, the Vulture, huh? Does it have to be a bald guy?" "How about a hot chick!" "The Vulture... ess?! Anyone? The Vulturess? Huh? Bikini and wings? Maybe some go-go boots? How about it? I'm thinking Halle Berry." "Make it Anne Hathaway. And let's replace that Lizard subplot with a dance number!" "Done and done. What's for lunch?" |
Really, Marvel? Really? by atalcot | Dec 8th, 2009 06:36:16 PM |
Sigh, I guess we'll just have to wait 10 years for Christopher Nolan to reboot this Series with "Spider-Man Begins" |
SO an OLD man in a Vulture suit is ok, but a Lizard ain't? by Cinemajerk | Dec 8th, 2009 06:45:02 PM |
Let me get this straight. The suits are nervous about a meek scientist who transforms into a COOL looking powerful Lizard man.....but they aren't about an OLD MAN in a VULTURE suit?? LOL. Gimme a break. A CGI Lizard who hisses and talks and kicks ass would be AWESOME. Don't get me wrong, Malkovich would be great too. But on the silly scale, a man in a Vulture suit is A LOT sillier than a Lizard Man. :-) |
Stupid fucks! by Logan_1973 | Dec 8th, 2009 06:50:37 PM |
The whole goddamn world has been waiting for the Lizard! He's got to be more believable then the fucking stay-puft-marshmellow-man Sandman we got! Liz should have been there 3 films ago! |
Put Hathaway in Butt Floss by NippleEffect | Dec 8th, 2009 07:15:31 PM |
it'll make a billion dollars |
Electro-Woman (and Dyna-Girl)! by Flim Springfield | Dec 8th, 2009 07:40:12 PM |
Apparently Lizard and Kraven just made too much sense by Miyamoto_Musashi | Dec 8th, 2009 08:07:36 PM |
The studio is experimenting, "how much of a mess can we make of a Spiderman movie and still get lots of people to see it, can we top Spiderman 3?" |
There's two elements to a Spider-Man film: by TedKordLives | Dec 8th, 2009 08:23:36 PM |
There's crying, and there's the Vultress.-McG |