According to an interview conducted with MTV, JJ Abrams has stated that he is open to anything for a Star Trek sequel... including the return of Khan, or even a Shatner appearance!
"I wouldn't rule out anything. The point of creating this independent timeline is to not have the restrictions we had coming into this one. And one of those restrictions was that Kirk was dead," said Abrams.
There's more where that came from at the above link.
In the meantime, you have to love the comments being posted on io9 (awesome site, btw) regarding a potential sequel. Here are some of my favorites:
I see no need for a Shatner cameo. He already got a big send-off in THE UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY and GENERATIONS. Enough is enough. Give the new cast a chance to make the series their own. You don't see Sean Connery popping up in the new Bond movies.
I still don't understand the logic in going to all the trouble of doing the timeline reboot only to clutter it with everything from the original storylines. Khan either needs to wait it out for a good long time or simply be left in the past - a gem of cinematic villainy to remain untouched.
... those who don't learn from the mistakes made in the alternate timeline are doomed to make them for the first time in their own... so if altspock is feeling a little more cavalier about mucking with timelines, TOS should only be useful for a few anecdotal punchlines. think of it: enterprise comes up on a submarine floating in space, checks against altspock's notes. "ooh, bad idea. let's just blow that f**ker into dust." torpedos away, life goes on.
Why, why, WHY would they rehash something that stands fine on its own merits instead of creating something new and exciting? Oh, right. It is teh Hollywood.
Kahn was a great movie -- in 1982. In 2009? It doesn't hold up that well, laughable in places, overly melodramatic in others. That Mr. Roarke guy is still good, even without the midget. RIP, Ricardo.
Trying to remake Khan would be an incredibly dumb idea I think - way too many people consider that one like the Holy Grail of Trek movies. Abrams could make the perfect movie and it would still get trashed because it's not the original. Besides, the current crew is young - let them have their own adventures! There's gotta be a million different things for them to do without rehashing old stuff.
And my absolute favorite comment:
Fans, you bloodsuckers. You're going to have to write your own dirty Kirk/Khan slash now, do you hear me? You're going to have! To Write! Your! Own!
LOL. Personally I believe the writers now have an opportunity for new ideas. They have an alternate time-line now so why rehash an existing plot line when the sky's the limit? It just doesn't seem to make any sense. These guys -- Abrams, Orci, and the rest -- need to stop pandering to the old school fans (myself included) and get some truly original, exciting material established. If it's good, it's good... and EVERYONE will love it. Well at least most people will.
Oh, and don't forget to explore new worlds. Give us a sense of wonder. Not just 170 mph action and space debris.
What do you guys think? Comments?
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