Thursday, May 21, 2009

William Shatner And Gene Simmons Are Both A-Holes

I really believe this. William Shatner and Gene Simmons act in pretty much the same manner and have been doing so for decades. Both men are idolized by millions and they're experts at marketing themselves to become filthy rich. But that alone does not make them a-holes.

I have watched and listened to both of these guys for years and have been appalled by their attitudes. Here is a list of characteristics/personality traits which I think they both share:

• Self-absorbed
• Arrogant
• Rude
• Defiant
• Often speak poorly of others
• Greedy

Over the years, particularly during my youth, Shatner and Simmons have each contributed many great moments to my life. I used to be a huge KISS fan -- I bought every album, every poster and button, etc -- until one day after graduating from high school I realized that KISS was approximately 10% music and 90% gimmick. And then I started listening to Simmons talk. About himself, primarily. Ugh.

Shatner is another story. I still think Trek TOS is one the greatest fictional works ever put together. Kirk was probably the biggest hero I had growing up. And to this day I still love what he did with the character. I bought the movies and the tchochkies and yes, even a few of Shatner's books. But in reality when I stop and think about it... Shatner is every bit as self-serving and arrogant as Simmons is, if not more. Nearly every time I've listened to him, whether on Howard Stern or as a host of some documentary or whatever... Shatner just comes off as a person who could not care less about the fans who made him who he is. Just... so full of himself. I've never met the man but I have heard and read plenty of things to form a personal opinion.

It's kind of sad to see two of my childhood heroes for who they really are. Does anyone agree with me?

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