Back in the spring of 1990, I believe it was (the exact date is sketchy), I had a shocking experience. In fact, I'd have to say it was the single-most shocking experience of my life. I saw a f*#%ing UFO.
I was twenty-five years old. My nephew (a few years younger) and I were up late at his house in Downey, California, playing Super NES games in a back bedroom. Late night. No drugs or alcohol involved whatsoever. We had a back door open since the temperature was warm.
My nephew had his back to a window in the room. I was sitting on the floor, facing the television with my body angled 3/4 to this window.
So we were playing video games, having some laughs. Then, at one point, out of the corner of my eye I saw something outside the window. It was a giant cigar-shaped object off in the distance. It was slowly veering at an angle slightly downward in the sky. The object was luminous, mostly blue, with white at the center. And it had to be huge! I could get a sense of scale since I could see it behind the treeline across the street.
I was twenty-five years old. My nephew (a few years younger) and I were up late at his house in Downey, California, playing Super NES games in a back bedroom. Late night. No drugs or alcohol involved whatsoever. We had a back door open since the temperature was warm.
My nephew had his back to a window in the room. I was sitting on the floor, facing the television with my body angled 3/4 to this window.
So we were playing video games, having some laughs. Then, at one point, out of the corner of my eye I saw something outside the window. It was a giant cigar-shaped object off in the distance. It was slowly veering at an angle slightly downward in the sky. The object was luminous, mostly blue, with white at the center. And it had to be huge! I could get a sense of scale since I could see it behind the treeline across the street.

My crappy Photoshop rendition
of what I saw that night
Upon seeing this thing, let me tell you... I pretty much went into lockdown for a couple of seconds. My nephew was scared to turn around and see what I was looking at. I finally had the wherewithal to yell, "Look!!" He turned around and shouted, "Holy shit! What the f*#% is that?" and slid off of the bed he was sitting on. To this day I am glad he was there to see it because I doubt anyone would believe just me.
The object made no sound as it moved for several seconds. Then it made a sharp angled turn upward and took off at a high rate of speed. Gone.
We were in disbelief. We sat there and all we could say was "What in the mother f*#% was that?" over and over. We tried rationalizing it. A blimp? No... no way a blimp would move like that. A helicopter with searchlights? No, the thing we saw was too big and too fast, and it made no noise.
The object made no sound as it moved for several seconds. Then it made a sharp angled turn upward and took off at a high rate of speed. Gone.
We were in disbelief. We sat there and all we could say was "What in the mother f*#% was that?" over and over. We tried rationalizing it. A blimp? No... no way a blimp would move like that. A helicopter with searchlights? No, the thing we saw was too big and too fast, and it made no noise.

We questioned our sanity. Then -- and this is where it gets even more weird -- we heard something outside. It seemed to come from outside the screen door. I can only describe the noise as a "garbled sound." My nephew and I looked at each other. It was almost a Scooby Doo moment... you know; like when Shaggy and Scooby see a ghost and then jump into each others arms because they're basically shitting themselves in fear. Neither one of us would admit what we heard because we each thought we were losing our minds. "What did you hear just now?" I asked. He repiled, "No, what did YOU hear?" This cycle of questioning went on for what seemed like a minute. Finally we agreed on what we heard.
After that I got up the nerve to go outside to see what the noise was. We made some jokes to ease the tension. I didn't see anything but I will tell you this... we were so stunned by the experience we didn't know what to do for days. I'm an artist so immediately I went to sketch what we saw. I wanted to tell everyone. I think I even called the Downey police department the next day.
One item to note. When I first saw the object, my face went into such a look of horror that afterward my nephew told me he was afraid to turn around because he thought there was someone in the window with a gun!
One item to note. When I first saw the object, my face went into such a look of horror that afterward my nephew told me he was afraid to turn around because he thought there was someone in the window with a gun!
Last April, I decided to file a report with MUFON (Mutual UFO Network). MUFON's a pretty cool organization. I didn't hear back from anyone so I guess our UFO experience wasn't insane enough; we weren't abducted or implanted or anything, we just saw some bizarre-ass shit. I will never forget it for as long as I live.
Have you ever seen anything strange in the sky? I'd love to read your comments...

early 1990's we were heading into a small town at 1:00 am after I finished 2nd shift . We seen a bright light as if this 1,000 population town was on fire. We were met by the local policeman heading out of town. He told us he was heading to the fire. There was no fire, no spaceship, no noise just this bright light shown down on this small town Sumner, Illinois. Can't explain it except my wife, a policeman, and me seen it.