UPDATE 3/2/09: This was just an April Fool's gag, 100% made up.
This is insane! Sources over at All Sci-Fi News are reporting that Warner Bros. is conducting casting calls for the next Superman film. And that Bryan Singer is NOT signed on to direct, as we incorrectly reported a couple of weeks ago.
Even more shocking, sources are telling ASFN that a final rough draft of the script was turned in several weeks ago -- and that the "new" Superman is a reboot and "very dark" in tone -- as in "Chris Nolan Batman" dark.

A source close to the new project told ASFN, "They are looking at what [The Dark Knight] did for them, and when you combine that with the underperformance of Bryan Singer's film in 2006, it was the most sensible direction to take. They are seeing that the positive, 'do-gooder' Superman character just does not work in the current market. They are pulling the trigger."
Did you read that part? They are "pulling the trigger"?? As in "killing the Superman we grew up with"? The "Truth, Justice, and the American Way" Superman we all know and love? Is he gonna carry a 9mm now? WTF??
The source went on to say that nearly every big-name actor in Hollywood has already tried out for the role of Superman, and that producers are leaning toward -- get ready for this one --
Michael Clarke Duncan!

(My crappy conceptual Photoshop job)
So there you have it. A dark Superman. Literally and figuratively. If you're still not believing this, don't feel bad -- I couldn't believe it either!
I'll be sure to post every available update as soon as I get it...
Thanks to ASFN!

So I can understand wanting to make a "darker" Superman. It's all the rage, "gritty realism". And looking at what Dark Knight did who can blame them.
ReplyDeleteBut on the other hand it think there's a right way to do it, and a wrong way. Having Superman himself be dark and gritty, that would be the wrong way. Having him be the beacon of hope, of light in an extremely dark and gritty world, that's the right way. He could be the guy that get's beat down again and again just to get back up on principle alone. But having him off the robbers just because he's all emo isn't the way to do it.
Also, I'm not racist, but if memory serves, Superman is white.
This is not something I can go along with. Do they really have to do this exact same "dark" formula to every super hero? God forbid someone does anything decent these days. So I guess they're going to have Superman talking with a low voice and threatening to kill Lex Luthor? WTF is right - COUNT ME OUT