... or Bird Flu or S.A.R.S. or any of that other crap. Just some bug that's been going around our neighborhood. I think it's because of all the little kids dripping with snot, skipping along and singing a happy tune as they come home from bacteria-filled daycare (my kids included.)
So that's why you haven't seen any posts since Friday. At this point, four out of the six people in our house have had it coming out both ends. Not fun. The exact opposite of fun, if you think about it.
As for my bout, it has taken two full days for me to recover.
Since we did indeed go on a recent trip to Mexico, several people have asked (and with good reason), but I must repeat: NO, I DO NOT HAVE SWINE FLU!* That's the upside. The downside is, I have to go back to work tomorrow.
* To have Swine Flu you need to display symptoms such as fever, coughing, aching, and sore throat within 48 hours of exposure... for more click here

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