Ho. Ly. Shit. No one was ready for what just happened to us. No one. While some may have guessed and many of us sure had hoped, Paramount’s bait and switch of STAR TREK for WRATH OF KHAN was a stunner. I mean, that was a bold fucking move. You don’t replace WRATH OF KHAN. You just don’t. Not unless the movie you’re replacing it with is pretty god damned strong. And guess what? It is. Holy Christ Crispies in a bucket of milk, was this movie fucking awesome. What’s that thing called…you know, the stuff that’s like awesome sauce only better? Oh yeah, Win. That’s it. Win. STAR TREK is made of that. From beginning to end.
There’s a good chance it is going to blow your fucking doors off. I cannot express how happy I am with this film. Every moment worked for me – it felt like there wasn’t so much as a hair out of place. I LOVED it. My non Trek-loving wife LOVED it. And the energy in the room was incredible. When I walked out, I was saying it was as good as WRATH OF KHAN. Now that I’ve had some time to settle and reflect, I’m not going to quite make that claim. It’s not as great as KHAN. But it is a short hairs breath away from being that good. It is certainly better than any other TREK movie to date that doesn’t have the word WRATH in the title. Solid, fun and a pure joy to watch, this is the summer blockbuster to beat.
And reaction from Harry Knowles, King Geek at AICN:
Hey folks, Harry here... I've seen some people asking about the reaction after the film, well approximately 4 seconds after the end credits began - a standing ovation started in the Alamo Drafthouse on South Lamar - where the real, albeit not official, premiere of STAR TREK was held tonight. The Ovation lasted for 5-6 minutes - until the guests took the stage for a post film chat. After the film, the audience was a collective smile, some crying they were so happy. You have to understand, none of the attendees knew they were seeing this film tonight and the media that was there - were folks that just wanted to see WRATH OF KHAN and 10 minutes of New Trek.
Wow! Sounds damn good, I say. For more spoiler-filled reaction, click here and check out one of the many links available.
Thanks, AICN!

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