Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Transformers 2 Revenge Of The Fallen Official Trailer

I guess the only thing left for them to do in a movie, as far as action is concerned, is to blow up the entire earth and the moon. Damn, dats a lotta wreckage!

What do you think of the trailer overall? Leave a comment!


  1. Looks pretty good. Was never a fan of Transformers much, but liked that first movie enough to want to see this one!

  2. I think this movie is going to be killer! I also think the new X-MEN movie looks pretty good too,MR.Fun you have not said much about it. What are your thoughts?

  3. Right, X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I like the idea but I have some issues with what they're doing. I mean, in the trailer, when Wolverine bumps into Blob, did they really have to make a Looney Tunes sound effect for it? As in "BO-OI-OI-OI-OI-OINNNG!!!" DEAR GOD!

    Maybe the movie will turn out okay but I'm not hearing a lot of good things about it.

    Thanks for the comment... you gave me an idea... I should post about it...
