First up is This Is Why You're Fat, a cholesterol-coated train wreck of photos sent in by people who have experienced some seriously sick deep-fried, greasy food items. I guarantee there are more pics of WTF food than you have ever seen in your life.

Krispy Kreme Bacon Cheddar Cheeseburgers
After you check that out, head over to Super Sized Meals and read a story of true burger-loving gluttony. The story centers on this monstrosity:

You're looking at a 100-patty cheeseburger that was prepared at an In-N-Out in Las Vegas. Why someone would do this is beyond me. As the story goes, a group of eight people ordered this and actually ate all of it. At a price tag of $100. Why do people do shit like this? Just because no one's ever done it before? Just because I can order the world's biggest f**king ice cream sundae stuffed into a kitchen sink doesn't mean I should go out and order it, right? Looking at this photo almost makes me throw up in my mouth. The full story is here.
Okay, truth be known, I can put away some food. One time while working late I ran down to a Mr. Hero and, because they had a special "Buy One Get One Free" deal going on, picked up two 10-inch Romanburger sandwiches. I figured, "Hell, this is cheap... why not get two of these, eat one now and save one for lunch tomorrow?" Well, I ate them both that night, in one sitting.

I ate two of these. Plus a large order of fries.
About five minutes after I polished them off, I began to experience what I can only describe as a "greasy, pulsing, rollercoaster-like" feeling. It just washed over me. I was getting hot flashes too. I felt as if I were a gigantic, oil-drenched sponge and that a giant could pick me up and ring the grease right out of me. I swear to god I thought I was going to die right there in the office. And since I was working late, no one would find me until morning. For the next 24 hours I felt as if I had ingested a quart of Penzoil. No matter how many times I brushed my teeth or gargled with mouth rinse, my interior of my body felt like an oil-slick.
So I cannot even imagine what if feels like after eating ten or twelve cheeseburgers at a time. omfg
Okay, enough of my rant. Remember to check out This Is Why You're Fat and Super Sized Meals to see even more artery-clogging pictures. Seeing them might make you think twice about loading up on that bucket of double-fried-bacon-grease-dipped-chili-cheese-fries.
* Thanks to Julia and G!
* Thanks to Julia and G!
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